Sophie is OBSESSED with Dora. This is a cute picture of Miss Hollywood watching Dora with her Dora doll, Dora purse and covered up with her Dora blanket. She starts asking for Dora as soon as she gets out of bed in the mornings. Sophie has been trying me lately by throwing little tantrums. She has been sitting in the corner because of it. She does pretty well and will sit there until she stops crying. At school they call it sitting in the thinking chair. Now if she starts whining and crying to get her way I ask her if she needs to sit the the corner and she will look at me with very sad eyes and say "nooooo." That will usually make her stop without having to actually go to the corner. Looking at her sitting there makes me feel sorry for her, but I stay strong. She has to learn that you don't always get your way and throwing a fit is definately not the way to go!
Sophie is playing with the foam packing that came in the box with my new laptop that she and Jason gave me for my birthday. I thought she looked like she was skating when she had the foam on her feet.