Christmas Morning
Checking out the new house
It even comes with new furniture!
Santa ate all the cookies and only left some crumbs.
Christmas Morning
Posted by Brandy West at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Shelley Parker tagged me to post the fourth picture from my fourth picture file. It took me a few days to decide if I wanted to use the picture from my computer or the one from Jason's computer. computer won (it is the more recent picture of the two). Anyway, this is a picture of Sophie and our friend William playing at Chick-fil-a. They always have the best time playing together. Will is such a cutie and Jason says that he is Sophie's future husband. That would be great, but it is waaay tooooo early to think about that. We are so sad and will miss Will, Kirsty, Hamish, and new baby Madeline when they return to New Zealand (which rumor has it will be soon). We will definitely be planning a trip to New Zealand to visit them. Now I tag Sarah to post the fourth picture from her fourth picture file (I'm doing this so we can see new pictures on your blog page!)
Posted by Brandy West at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Sophie does not seem to be in too much of a hurry to get better. She is still running a low fever and has had a terrible cough since Tuesday. I took her to the doctor yesterday afternoon, but the doctor said it is just a viral infection that must run its course. We didn't sleep very well last night because Sophie coughed and tossed and turned all night. To make matters worse she decided to get up at 6:30 this morning for a glass of bunk (milk). After watching Sesame Street she took a little nap while sitting in her chair. We spent the rest of the morning sitting in her Dora House reading books. She thinks that is where we need to play now even though it is very crowded with her, me, 6 dolls, 10 books, a blanket, pillow and whatever else she picks up on the way in.
Posted by Brandy West at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Sophie has been sick this week so I got her a prize. Princess slippers! I really got them for her because she doesn't want to wear socks and since she is sick she needs to have something covering her feet. Well, the slippers turned out to be a great idea because she thinks she is something wearing them around. Please notice that we still have a purse in all of our pictures.
Posted by Brandy West at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Sophie's preschool had their christmas program on Monday. The pictures are not that great because we had to sit in the back so that Sophie would not see us. She did not want any part of getting on stage so one of her teachers, Mrs Kathy, had to hold her the entire time. Sophie's class did a poem called "The Twos are Bringing Tidings of Joy." It was a really cute poem that incorporated all the children's personalities. After Mrs Kathy read the poem they played a song and the kids were supposed to dance, but only one little boy danced and he stole the show. She at least let me take a picture of the cute t-shirt they made when we got home. As for the christmas program, oh well, maybe next year.
Posted by Brandy West at 12:05 PM 1 comments
Posted by Brandy West at 11:20 PM 3 comments
Sophie, Abbey and I saw Santa when we were at the mall the other day. I thought that maybe Sophie would sit in Santa's lap if Abbey was with her, but nooooo she was having no part of it. I was finally able to get her to sit in my lap while I sat in Santa's lap and as you can see from the look on her face she was still not happy about it.
Posted by Brandy West at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Here are a few pictures of our trip to Monroe. We celebrated the arrival of Emmey, my Mom's birthday, and Thanksgiving. We had a great time and the girls all played really well together. Sophie really misses Babbey & Mae Mae alot.
Big sister Abbey holding Emmey.
Big sister Macey helping mommy feed Emmey.
Sophie & Macey
My Mom (Grammy) and Sophie
Abbey and Sophie having a parade.
Posted by Brandy West at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Posted by Brandy West at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Rachel and Brad welcomed another sweet baby girl to our family. Emmey Claire Tullos was born on November 17, 2008. She has 2 big sisters, Abbey and Macey. We are so glad she is finally here!
Posted by Brandy West at 4:27 PM 0 comments
We visited the Daphne Fire Station on Thursday for a playdate. The kids loved being able to climb all over the firetrucks. Sophie was scared of the firetruck at first, but she decided that it wasn't that scary after seeing the other kids climb on it. She loved getting to pretend she was the driver. I think she could have spent the rest of the day playing inside the truck. Fireman Tom gave all the kids a fireman hat, but I couldn't get Sophie to put hers on. Unfortunately, the firemen had to go out on a call while we were there and the kids didn't get to see one of them dressed up in their fireman suit. The kids all had the greatest time and it was fun to see everyone enjoy themselves so much.
Posted by Brandy West at 5:11 PM 1 comments
Sophie was a little lamb this year for halloween. I was afraid that she wouldn't want to dress up, but I didn't have any problems getting her to wear the costume. Our friends Kirsty, Hamish and Will came over to trick or treat with us. Will was a very cute little scarecrow. Sophie and Will had the greatest time. We bought a wagon for them to ride around in and I think that they mostly just liked climbing in and out of the wagon. Sophie loved running up to everyone's door and getting candy. She was very polite and would always say thank you (we've been working on manners -saying please and thank you) when she got a piece of candy. After we let the kids trick or treat we came home to some of the best chili Jason has ever made! It was the perfect thing to warm you up on a cool night.
Posted by Brandy West at 10:45 PM 1 comments
We took Sophie to Wales West Railway to the pumpkin patch to ride the train. At first she was a little scared of the train, but luckily we sat there a while waiting for everyone to get on and by the time we left she was over being scared. We rode the train to the pumpkin patch and when we got there we had to go through a little haunted house to get to the pumpkins. Sophie had a good time picking up the little pumpkins and carrying them around. Once we picked out our pumpkins we got to go inside and decorate them. That was Sophie's favorite part. On the way back she wasn't scared of the train and really enjoyed the ride. The conductor let all the kids blow the whistle once we returned to the station, but Sophie was scared of the whistle so we skipped that part and went to get our juice and cookies.
Posted by Brandy West at 10:01 AM 0 comments